About Gut Health: how to keep your gut health healthy

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Microorganisms like bacteria, virus, yeast, that are present in our gut large intestine, and small intestine are known as the gut microbiome. There are a trillion microorganisms present in our whole body and most of them are present in our intestines. Some of them are good and play a crucial role to maintain a healthy body functioning by helping the immune system, heart health, weight management, body’s metabolism, and many more.

        Headlines of this article

1. Indication of unhealthy gut health:

Digestive problems

Sudden weight changes

Skin irritation

Effects on sleep

2. How to maintain good gut health

Take a balanced diet

Good sleeping practice

Keep yourself hydrated and chew the food properly

Include probiotics in your diet

Take prebiotics

Take a limited amount of sugar or sugar-related products

3. Bottom line

4. References


Indication of unhealthy gut health:


P.C: MindBodyGreen

The good microbiomes present in the intestines help to break down food and help the nutrients to be digested properly. The good bacteria always try to keep balance, which helps to maintain good gut health. If the functioning of gut microbiomes is hampered, it could result in the following adverse effects:

If you are suffering from digestion related problems like gas, stomach upset, constipation, heartburn, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), etc., it indicates that the gut health is not ok.

If you feel your weight is changing suddenly, like gaining or losing without any changes in your lifestyle, one of the possible causes is your unhealthy gut health. Due to an imbalance of the gut microbiomes proper absorption of nutrients may be hampered. This affects your body weight management.

Studies have shown that there is a link between the unhealthy gut and skin issues like acne, eczema, etc. 

If the gut health is not good it may also affect our sleeping condition. Serotonin, a hormone that is produced in our gut, affects our mood or sleeping condition.

How to maintain good gut health:


A healthy balanced diet helps to maintain a healthy gut. Include fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain, pulses, and legumes, etc., in your diet to improve your digestion.

Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours on a regular basis. The irregular sleeping practice also affects gut health.

Lack of water consumption is the cause of dehydration. Dehydration also affects our gut health. So, drink a sufficient amount of water to prevent dehydration.

Chewing the food items properly helps to improve digestion and absorption of foods in our body. So, always try to eat food items slowly and chew properly.

Studies explained that probiotics help to boost up the good bacteria which present in the gut. Some fermented foods are a good source of probiotics, like;

P.C.: Health Benefits Times







Pickles, etc.


Prebiotics are the compounds that promote the healthy growth of good microorganisms. The foods which contain prebiotics are;

P.C.: Farmers' Almanac




Whole wheat flour


Seeds like flax seeds, chia seeds


Whole grain products, etc.


Researches have shown that excess amount of sugar or sugar-related food consumption adversely affects gut microbes. So, better to take it in a limited amount.

Bottom line:

A healthy gut is very important for overall health and our immune system. An unhealthy gut can also be the reason for various chronic health issues. Therefore, a healthy balanced lifestyle is needed to maintain a healthy gut. Take fiber-rich foods, probiotics, whole grains, reduce stress level, and lead a healthy lifestyle.


  1. https://www.gaucherdisease.org/blog/4-ways-to-improve-gut-health-naturally/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjsbvopCZ7gIVTQwrCh1A_gKREAAYASAAEgKC4fD_BwE
  2. https://www.healthline.com/health/healthline-communities#Osteoarthritis-(OA)
  3. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/gut-microbiome-and-health#TOC_TITLE_HDR_3
  4. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325293#summary
  5. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/307998#why-is-the-human-microbiota-important
  6. https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/ss/slideshow-how-gut-health-affects-whole-body


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