Boost your immune system for your health

The immune system protects our body from various diseases, infections, and acts as a defense against foreign bodies. The immune system creates a bond with many biological structures like cells, tissues, and organs to ensure the protection of our body. Such functioning of the immune system is known as an immune response. When the activity of the immune system is hampered or insufficient it may cause inflammatory diseases, allergy disorders, and even cancer.
Immune cells who act as a soldier for our body`s protection, are located in different parts of our body like bone marrow, spleen, skin, lymph nodes, thymes, etc. White Blood Cells (WBC) or leukocytes play an important role in the immune response. It helps to protect the body from diseases or infections as well as act as a barrier to the entrance of foreign materials. The immune system is an organic system, which fights naturally for our body`s protection. Therefore, it`s our responsibility to maintain a strong immune system for better health.
Now let`s discuss how we can improve our immune system:
Your immune system depends on your:
Dietary habits
Addiction (smoking or drinking alcohol)
Personal hygiene
It must be remembered that our immune system cannot be built artificially with the help of pills or supplements. Such materials can only act as support to our natural immune system.
Five best foods, which you need to add to your diet to boost up your immunity system:
1. Citrus fruits:
Citrus fruits like lemon, orange, grapefruits, limes, etc. contain a large number of vitamins (especially vitamin C), minerals and fibers. Vitamin-C helps to increase the production of white blood cells (WBC), which protects our body from diseases and infections. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant, which may help to remove cancer-causing free radicals from our body.
Daily consumption of citrus fruits can also keep your skin glossy and nourished. Drinking warm water with a piece of lime at every morning helps to improve your immune system and regulate your body weight.
2. Ginger and garlic:
Both of these ingredients are very popular in the kitchen throughout the world. Ginger and garlic not only add taste to your food, but it may also have a huge role in immune system development.
Ginger contains some phenolic compounds like gingerol, paradol, etc. which may act as an antioxidant and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger helps to reduce throat infections, provides relief from cold or a cough and decreases nausea tendency.
Garlic helps to maintain cholesterol level, controls blood pressure and fights against heart disease. Allicin, a compound, which is produced during chopping or chewing of garlic act as an antioxidant and helps to reduce inflammation. According to WHO, 2-5 gm of garlic you can be consumed regularly.
3. Green tea:
Greentea is an excellent source of antioxidants and helps to boost the immune system. Green tea contains both polyphenol and flavonoid compounds. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a polyphenol compound present in green tea, which acts as an antioxidant and fights against the formation of carcinogenic free radicals.
Due to the presence of an antioxidant, green tea also acts as an anti-aging drink. It helps to maintain your skin tight, shiny and wrinkle-free. Green tea also assists to lose weight, improve body metabolism, burn fat and control diabetes type II. Two cups of green tea can be consumed daily.
4. Broccoli:
Broccoli is a good source of vitamins (Vit. A, Vit. B-6, Vit. C), iron, potassium, and fiber. It helps to improve the immune system. Vitamin B-6 helps in the production of red blood cells, which is essential to transport oxygen to the whole body.
Broccoli can be consumed in both raw and cooked forms. It can also be added to the green salad. It must be noted that if broccoli is cooked at a very high temperature or cooked for a long time, it may lose much of its nutritional values. Medium cooking is best to maintain the nutritional effect.
5. Yogurt:
Yogurt is a very common dairy product. Yogurt contains calcium and protein, which helps in bone formation, reduces the risk of osteoporosis, helps muscle growth and development. Lactic acid present in yogurt which may help in digestion, to prevent gastrointestinal problems and cancer, and to control overweight.
Plain or homemade low-fat yogurt after lunch can be consumed daily. The addition of fruits also can improve taste and nutritional effects. Yogurt may also be served as a raita form, which is also very nutritious for health.
These are some very common, easily available food ingredients that help to improve our immune system naturally, and thus keep us healthier.