Gas problem and its natural solution: How to get relief from gas problem naturally

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The formation and excretion of gas from our bodies is a very natural process. The main cause of gas formation is swallowing of air during eating and drinking, or due to the reactions of undigested foods with bacteria, yeast, etc. which is present in our large intestine. Sometimes it may also happen due to some gastrointestinal disorder, effects of medicine, or due to some specific foods.

In the normal way, we pass our gas through the rectum or by burping. When the excess amount of gas is filled our stomach, it can cause bloating, painful situations, stomach upsets, etc. Some changes in our dietary habits or application of some home remedies can help us to get rid of it naturally.

              Headlines of this article

1. Causes

2. Symptoms

3. What to do avoid the gas problems naturally

4. Some home remedies

5. At the end

6. References


Gas problems can be happened due to various reasons. There is no specific cause or age of it. It completely varies from person to person and their health conditions. The possible reasons are:

  • Eating some vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, radish, etc.

  • Overeating

  • Talking while eating or drinking.

  • Fried food, junk food, or spicy food items, etc.

  • Fasting for a long time.

  • Some health issues like irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, eating disorder, Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, nausea, etc.

  • Food intolerance

  • Some medicine can also cause gas formation.



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P.C: Pinterest
  • Abdominal discomfort

  • Passing excessive gas through the rectum or by burping

  • Nausea.

  • Bloating and feeling tightness in the stomach.



What to do avoid the gas problems naturally:


  • Avoid eating vegetables and fruits which can cause the formation of gas:

Some vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, reddish, spinach, etc. or some fruits like banana, apple, etc. can cause gas problems. So, if you feel any type of fruits or vegetables are the cause of your gas problem then better to avoid or take in a small amount and gradually increase. It can help you to get rid of the problem.

If you wish to take cauliflower, cabbage, radish, or any types of vegetables which can cause gas formation then avoid eating in a raw form. Boil it properly, remove the excess water and cook it properly. 

  • Carry some dry foods while traveling:

If you have a gas problem and you are traveling then always carry some dry foods that can help you to avoid the empty stomach. Fasting for a long time or eating fast food and junk food can also cause gas formation.

  • Take a small amount of meal frequently:

Fasting for a long time or overeating can both cause gas formation. To avoid this situation, try to take a small meal frequently. It will help you in both ways to prevent gas formation and also to avoid overeating, which can also cause overweight or obesity.

  • Avoid talking while eating or drinking:

When we are eating, or drinking water from a bottle tries to avoid talking. It will help you to avoid swallowing air from outside.

  • Dairy products:

Milk is also a very common reason for gas formation for some people. If you have this kind of problem then avoid drinking milk. Better to try some milk products like chana, curd or yogurt, paneer, etc. 

  • Physical activities:

Physical activities are also very important to prevent the gas problem. People who are not active, or old people who are not able to be physically active, have a greater chance to suffer from the gas problem than active people. If you are active sufficiently then formed gas is passed easily and helps to get relief from discomfort. Do some physical activities that are suitable for you like walking, jogging, yoga, swimming or cycling, etc.

  • Avoid smoking, drinking carbonated beverages, fast foods, fried foods, etc. to avoid gas problems.

Some home remedies:


  • Apple cider vinegar:

Take a glass of water and 5-10 ml of apple cider vinegar mix into it.

Take this drink 15-30 min before your lunch.

  • Cumin water:

Cumin has an essential oil cuminaldehyde, which helps to improve the digestive system, prevents gas formation, helps bowel movements, etc. You can drink this every morning in an empty stomach.

How to prepare:

Take a glass of lukewarm water and soak a teaspoon of cumin seed overnight.

In the morning, filter the water, add a pc of lime (if you want), and drink it.

  • Fennel seeds or it’s water:

P.C: HerZindagi
P.C: HerZindagi

When you are feeling gas problem you can chew some fennel seeds that can give some temporary relief. Also, you can drink fennel seeds water on a regular basis.

How to prepare:

Take 1 gar of boiled water and add 2 tablespoon fennel seeds (crushed properly).

After that leave it for few minutes and filter the water.

Now your drink is ready. You can take it as a tea or keep it for cooling and drink it later in the day.

  • Ginger tea:

Ginger contains Gingerol, which is known for its medicinal effects. Ginger helps to reduce vomiting tendency, improve the digestive system, and also good for immune systems.

How to prepare:

  • Take one glass of warm water.

  • Add the extract of one-piece lime.

  • Add the extract of one small piece of ginger and mix it well.

  • Now your drink is ready. Take it every morning in an empty stomach.

At the end:

There is no age or no exact cause of excess gas formation, it can vary from person to person and their health status. So, if you have gas problems, you need to try to find out what is the exact reason for your gas problem and need to avoid it. Along with this, you can also try the types of home remedies which one is suitable for you, based on what we have discussed here. If you are still suffering from excess gas related problems then consult with your physician and take advice.




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