Lockdown weight gain: How to manage excess body weight

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The coronavirus pandemic has completely changed our established lifestyle and is challenging us to adapt to a completely new way of life. Most of us are doing our activities through a gadget click. Due to this lockdown phase, there are various limitations in our daily life which also affects our health. The most common effect is weight gain. The coronavirus pandemic has completely changed our established lifestyle and is challenging us to adapt to a completely new way of life. Most of us are doing our activities through a gadget click. Due to this lockdown phase, there are various limitations in our daily life which also affects our health. The most common effect is weight gain.

Headlines at a glance

Possible causes

- Lack of time management (one of the most common cause)

- Excess stress

- Irregular food habits

How to manage

- Set a routine

- Do some physical activities

- Try to stay relaxed

- Change your food habits

Bottom line

Possible causes:

Due to lockdown, most people are doing their job from home. Therefore, they need to set their lifestyle in a new way. Also, people are not able to go outside to the gym, park, etc., for exercise or outdoor physical activities. Both the lack of time and outdoor travel restrictions imply that people cannot manage their time to do some physical activities along with their personal & professional activities.

Due to lockdown, many people are stressed due to financial crises and lack of job security. This kind of additional pressure also affects health.

Due to this pandemic situation, people are spending most of their time at home. Therefore, it also affects their food habits. Many people are habitually consuming fried foods, chips or chanachur, etc., in between their work as a snack. Not only that, due to the pressure of work from home, irregular food habits are also very common. All these lead to rapid weight gain.

How to manage:

As we all know that the new normal life is completely different from before. In that case, we all need to be accustomed to this current situation. So, if we make a routine for our daily activities, it will be easier to manage our time and do some physical activities. Therefore, first set a routine for yourself.

In this covid situation, there are so many rules and regulations in daily life. In the case of outdoor activities, opportunities for going to the gym or going to the park or walking, are limited. These are one of the main reasons for unnecessary weight gain.

In that case, better to do some physical activities at home. Do yoga, plank, skipping, spot-jogging, crunch, by-cycling exercise, Zumba dunce, etc., which you can do easily at your home. Also, you can try to walk at your terrace or lobby while you are talking over the phone or in your free time. It can also help you to burn some calories.

In the current situation, tension, uncertainty, insecurity are very common in most peoples’ lives. Excessive stress can also cause overweight. Because studies have shown that “Cortisol” which is known as a stress hormone is released due to excess tension. This hormone also helps to increase the level of insulin and reduce the blood sugar level. For this reason, people may crave sugary foods or fatty foods.

In general, too much stress can hamper your daily activities. You feel low to do anything with full of energy including your physical activities. Therefore, all these are affecting your body weight. So, avoid excessive stress yourself is not the solution.

As I mentioned earlier, irregular food habit is a major cause of overweight or obesity. During the lockdown, our food habits have also changed like many other activities. In order to change our food habits, you need to focus on:

- Portion control.

- Replacing unhealthy foods with healthy food options.

- Eating your meal on time.

- Snacking with healthy food like fruits, nuts, etc.

Foods that can be acceptable:

- Whole grain like rice, oat, millet, whole wheat products, etc.

- Protein like lean meat, fish, paneer, tofu, pulses, etc.

- Seasonal fruits and vegetables.

- Ghee, nuts, etc.

Foods for limited consumption or to be avoided:

- Fried foods.

- Fast food or junk foods

- Sweet or sweet-related products like cakes, candies, chocolates, etc.

Bottom line:

These are some manageable tips that you can follow on a regular basis. In the new normal situation, we need to think in a new way. Therefore, if you want to manage your body weight in the current situation you also need to adapt to some new good rules.

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